Friday, January 29, 2010

Rented A Car

I rented a car for the weekend... a KIA. I wanted to get some bigger errands run. I use Enterprise because they will pick me up at my house. I have rented from them about once a month since I sold the Element. If I have a photography shoot, I rent a car as most of my jobs have been in the Inland Empire or Los Angeles or even further north. Austin and I were driving and I had the experience of CAR SEDUCTION. Cars are powerful and give the driver a sense of freedom. Car Seduction is the reason it will be a long hard withdrawal from the automobile as a major means of transportation. Car Seduction is not as potent when I am riding with my DAD in his Saturn. I am not exactly sure why that is, maybe because it is a bare bones kind of car... a 5 speed, 4 cylinder engine that gets better gas mileage than a Prius. So I am not Sans Automobile this weekend. What was up with Enterprise and the brown wrapping paper on the car?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Rode With A Brace On My Thumb

I got brave and rode my bicycle to the grocery store. This involves going down a fairly long steep hill. I have mentioned that in general I like to ride pretty fast down this hill. But without full functioning of my left hand which operates my front brake, I am leery of going fast. I rested the heel of my hand on the handlebar and used my middle and ring fingers to brake. I have index shifting and found it impossible to turn the grip without excruciating pain, so I did not shift my chain rings at all. This little foray into a bit of a handicap got me thinking about really how physical bike riding is and how one needs most body parts to be functioning to do it with ease. I googled for some kind of hydraulic or "easy" braking systems and came up short. I think children have the same problem with brakes, their hands are weaker and smaller and so they have a hard time with hand brakes. I rode one handed back up the hill as my left hand was sore.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Injured Thumb

I jammed my thumb Saturday and am so bummed, mad, hobbled, etc. I tried to stop a 110 pound black lab from running away. Silly me. Dogs will run. He bounded toward me and I put my hands out at chest level to grab his collar. My thumb took the full impact. My thumb made a weird popping noise later when I pulled on it. Lesson learned is; let a dog go... especially a big one, a dog will do dog things like run and there is no stopping it.

Fortunately, it is my left hand because I am right-handed. This is not my x-ray, I just thought it looked cool. The bruising covers more than half my palm now and around the thumb. I am guessing that the recovery will be about 6 weeks give or take. I am not sure when I will be able to get on the bicycle again. I walked to the post office and found that crossing over 10 lanes of freeway to be very unpleasant. It is much better to get across that overpass quickly.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Wet Weather and More

This is the second hail storm in 2 days. This hail was white, the hail yesterday was clear and looked more like little ice cubes. Lisa's yard flooded and some water flowed into her house. A concrete swale got blocked up and the water poured down the hill in her backyard. We worked frantically to dig a trench and divert the water away from the house. While trying to find the best place to divert the water, we found that another neighbor's yard had also flooded. We worked for nearly two hours and I was completely drenched and cold. I have a rain gauge in my yard and the cumulative total for the week of storms in now nearly 6.5 inches.

I did not ride the bicycle today. It was cold, so I shopped with my Dad who is also my neighbor. He drives a very efficient Saturn.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

More Rain

The good thing about the rain is that the chapparral on the hills will turn really green. I love the soft bright green of the Ceanothus. San Diego County has 1,003,441 acres of chapparral. If you want to know more about the chapparral, check out the CALIFORNIA CHAPARRAL INSTITUTE :

But the rain is hard for biking. Imagine being next to this car. Fenders would not help.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Rain - No Biking Today

There are a couple of things that make it hard for me to bike. One of those things is rain. I just do not like to bicycle in the rain. I had some packages to ship, but since the post office was closed, I did not go. Had it been not raining, I would have biked. I don't like to bike when I am not feeling well. Fortunately, that is not often. It easier to get in a car when you are not feeling well than it is to get on a bike.
Easier to get in a car when it is raining too. So I borrowed my neighbor's Prius. I couldn't figure out how to start it. After a brief lesson, which was "...put the key in your pocket, put your foot on the brake and push the power button", the car was running. Sweet... the MPG indicator read 99.9.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Watching Laundry Dry

Part of not owning a car is about slowing down. Our culture lives life at a frenetic pace, and even admires those who maintain that pace. I am enjoying expending my own energy to reduce consumption of energy produced by a power plant. A dryer is an appliance that sucks a lot of energy.

The photo on the top is the way I "hung" my laundry at first. I just threw it over the line. I was bothered that hanging it was taking more time than using the dryer. My attempts at speeding up the process by chucking the clothes onto the line were not too satisfying. The bottom photo shows how I hang it now. I have more clothes pins and I take a bit of pride in hanging it. I made a taller pole for lifting the line. When I was growing up, clothes lines were around... my grandmother had one on her porch. I remember somewhere, some one's yard, running between bed sheets hung on several lines in a row. I love the smell of laundry dried in the sun.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Rode to the Post Office

I rode to the Post Office with some packages. Lisa rode too. Something I noticed on the downhill is that I do like to go fast. Earlier, shortly after selling my car and biking to run errands, I noticed that on this particular downhill, I would brake. I felt like I was going to fast. I don't brake anymore, in fact I use my largest chainring and smallest cog and get going pretty fast. Lisa doesn't like to go that fast. Maybe after riding with me she will.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Beautiful Hike

The weather was perfect for hiking. Today was not as hot as it has been and yesterday there was a very heavy marine layer with misting so there was no dust. I shot this panoramic photo from the top of the ridge. Most of this is designated Open Space, but someday there might be development here. We saw a humming bird, and the Manzanita (arctostaphylos) is blooming with lovely light pink cup shaped flowers that litter the ground and attract bees.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Street Films dot org - My new inspiration

This web site has great short films on biking. Their tag line is
Documenting Livable Streets Worldwide
My goal is to get something I have filmed on this web site. There is a community video section where videos can be submitted and may be posted on the site.
I really need to get the Helmet Cam footage off the tapes and onto my computer to edit.
Check out the site: The featured film is from Copenhagen and is really cool.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Map My Ride Website

Found and spent a couple of hours creating rides and looking at the features of the site. I love this site. I will probably become a GOLD member when I get a bit more money. The free membership is fantastic. I made a couple of maps of some routes I will hike or ride. This one is a 3 mile loop that goes over some nice hills. There is an elevation feature that calculates how much climbing and descending each route does.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

One gallon of gas

Burning 1 Gallon of Gasoline Produces 20 Pounds of CO2.
One of the major culprits in CO2 pollution is the automobile. You may be surprised to learn how much pollution is produced when you drive your car. For every gallon of gasoline you burn in your car, you remove 21 pounds of breathable Oxygen from the atmosphere, as well as adding 20 pounds of CO2, or Carbon Dioxide to the atmosphere. This might seem unlikely or improbable, but it is a fact.
A gallon of gasoline weighs 6.3 pounds and is comprised of 87% Carbon (C) and 13% Hydrogen (H). When you burn gasoline, a chemical reaction occurs, using Oxygen from the atmosphere. The Hydrogen and the Carbon separate, then recombine with Oxygen from the atmosphere to form H2O, or water, and CO2, or Carbon dioxide.
EPA calculation page
When you multiply that 21 pounds by the United States daily consumption of gasoline (378 million gallons), the result is 7.9 Billion pounds of Oxygen that we are removing from the atmosphere and converting into 7.5 Billion pounds of CO2 each and every day of the year.
Today, I rode my bicycle to the bank, the office supply store and Radio Shack. If I had driven a car, I would have used a gallon of gas. But I rode my bicycle, got some exercise and saw a humming bird fly right near me as I rode along the sidewalk.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Trip to Jimbo's Natural Food Store

Lisa and I rode to Jimbo's using the short cut we found a couple of days ago. The ride was around 7 miles round trip and was enjoyable. We rode on the sidewalk because in general, the bike lanes do not feel safe. I like separation of cars and bikes especially on a road where the speed limit is over 45mph. I shot footage with the Helmet Cam.

Jimbo's is a wonderful supermarket. The produce looks amazing and while some of it is from distant places, a lot of it is local. I bought some broccoli and some grass fed organic beef. I have been reading the "THE OMNIVORE’S DILEMMA" by Michael Pollan and have been thinking a lot more about what I eat and what the environmental consequences are of what I choose to eat. Corn fed beef has more fat as well as more e coli and is raised in giant polluting feed lots.

“What should you eat? Michael Pollan addresses that fundamental question with great wit and intelligence, looking at the social, ethical, and environmental impact of four different meals. Eating well, he finds, can be a pleasurable way to change the world.” —Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why I don't own a car

There are several reasons I have given up car ownership, but the most important one is that cars are not good for the environment. Cars pollute, they are loud, they use a lot of land for their operation and storage, and they are expensive. Of course there are positive aspects to car ownership. We all know what these are. I want to explore and document alternatives to the car for short trips. I have a Helmet Cam and a bicycle trailer. The Helmet Cam is to document my rides around suburban southern California and the trailer is for hauling groceries and other goods. Additionally, oil is a non-renewable resource that has great value and it is wasteful to burn it in engines. Check out the concept of Peak Oil. Here is a paragraph from a report commissioned by the US government on Peak Oil:

The peaking of world oil production presents the U.S. and the world with an unprecedented risk management problem. As peaking is approached, liquid fuel prices and price volatility will increase dramatically, and, without timely mitigation,the economic, social, and political costs will be unprecedented. Viable mitigation options exist on both the supply and demand sides, but to have substantial impact, they must be initiated more than a decade in advance of peaking.
In 2003, the world consumed just under 80 million barrels per day (MM bpd) of oil. U.S. consumption was almost 20 MM bpd, two-thirds of which was in the transportation sector. The U.S. has a fleet of about 210 million automobiles and light trucks (vans, pick-ups, and SUVs).

So if two-thirds of US consumption is in the transportation sector, then it seems that the easiest target for reduction is that sector. While not easy, living without a car is not hard either. Just less convenient.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Picking up packing peanuts

I picked up some packing peanuts that I found on Freecycle. Peanuts cannot be recycled. I do a lot of shipping and use a fair amount of peanuts. I am always happy when I find something to reuse. It looks like a lot in the trailer, but it was easy to pull.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Looking for shortcuts

I walked about 3 miles today with my neighbor Lisa and her 2 dogs. We found a second path that leads to Rancho Bernardo (our suburban town to the north). I have been scouting a route to ride my bicycle to Jimbo's , an organic and natural foods grocery store in Rancho Bernardo. I estimate the ride will be about 7 miles round trip with a couple of big hills as well as some riding on heavy traffic streets. Driving a car to Jimbo's would be about 10 miles round trip including a few miles on the 15. The green circles on the map show the 2 shortcuts paths from Rancho Penasquitos to Rancho Bernardo and the red is the route we will ride to Jimbo's on Friday. Without the shorcut, the ride would be nearly double the distance. I will wear the Helmet Cam to collect video. I have been collecting video footage since July 2008 of my many bicycle rides. Look for postings soon.

Monday, January 4, 2010

17 Months Without a Car

I doubt I can recap 17 months of CAR Free living in San Diego in one blog post. But I will try to recap over the next couple of weeks my successes and lessons replacing a car with a bicycle.

There is no doubt that I am in better shape. My legs are stronger, my cardiovascular endurance has improved, and I feel a bit righteous about not polluting the air while running errands. I have used cars occasionally either renting from Enterprise or borrowing from family or friends.